Author: admin

Our World Geography Unit on Africa

Oh, The Places We’ll Go! With only three children to homeschool this year our life is very different. But so are their ages and abilities. World Geography is a subject Read more

Should I Join a Homeschool co-op?

One of the most frequently asked questions I get from homeschool moms is “Should I join a co-op”. I cannot imagine homeschooling without my co-op group. I enjoy our sense Read more

Let Them Fly

Eagles are known for their keen vision, their aggression towards their enemies, and their strength. But what is more astonishing about the eagle is their ability to nurture their young. Read more

The Second Set of Adjectives

Often when domestic abuse is mentioned, we conjure up a mental picture of physical violence – bruises, cuts, black eyes, broken bones. But abuse comes in many different forms. Emotional, Read more

Why God Gave You Siblings

A Letter to My Children Dear Tribe, As your mom, I spend much time praying for each of you and for us as a family.  I know it’s not always Read more

Proverbs 31 Woman

At some point, if you have been in church for any length of time, you have heard of the amazing Proverbs 31 woman. She is the epitome of the perfect Read more